Wednesday, March 7, 2007

all things are not a choice...

am having some problems accepting where i am today...lots of negativity...lots of using going on around me...have tried to stay out of the chaos that surrounds me these days...but it is still difficult not to say things i should keep to myself...go figure...i have an opinion and a big mouth! one of my many character defects...i still expect too much from myself and too much from others...sometimes...i am being tried and tested these the extreme...have not wanted to use, but some of my old behaviors have resurfaced...oh well, that is what the 10th step is for...and the finding that there is a solution for everything i face in those steps...i just have to be willing to recognize what my part in everything is...accept it...and have the humility to own up to it...instead of running from it at warp speed! sometimes i still want to run...but God says no...just for today...i will try to listen to God...

keeping it

wanting what i want...

having a problem today...wanting what i want RIGHT NOW! i want to move into my new apartment. it has been ready for weeks, or so i was told...all of the deposits were paid last week, then i was told that inspection did not pass on the apartment they gave me...soooooooo, they moved me to a downstairs, which i was suppose to have anyways...and now i am waiting for the judge to say it is ok...still have to get a phone...and everything else! trying to stay in God's will instead of my own is still hard sometimes...i mean, it is simple...but hard! i have ten months of continuous clean time today...that is a miracle. i have an apartment of my own...another miracle...i have a job...a big miracle...haha! now if i can just get moved in and settled...i know it is always in God's time not mine...but i still am human...progress not perfection...and sometimes i still want what i want...NOW! just for today i will accept that i am human...and not beat myself up for being self-centered about wanting to move today. everything will work out the way it is suppose to, and i know if i involve my own self-will, i will just mess things will be my lesson today...just for today...i will allow God's will to unfold before me...i will do the next right thing...and right things will follow...

today's moment...

March 7...

There is a false sense of safety inside, but there is not always room.

Somehow, somewhere, along life’s path, we learn secrecy as a mistaken alternative to safety. We feel safe with our stuff hidden deeply inside us. This does however, become a problem. After years of this type of destructive behavior, we run out of secret spaces. We no longer have room in our already burdened spirit to hide another thing. If there is no room for us, how can there be room for God?

Moment by moment, I will release the darkness within my soul, and I will open myself to the sunlight of the Eternal Spirit. Then I will truly be safe.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

peaceful healing...

serene thoughts will bring a peaceful mind...graceful movements will bring a peaceful body...gentle feelings will bring a peaceful spirit...

am experiencing a lot of God's peace these so grateful to recovery...

just for

Today's Moment...

March 6...

Faith is belief as it reaches the heart.

Many of us have been unwilling to consciously concede to a power greater than ourselves. However, have the simple beauties of creation touched not our hearts? Have we not wondered in amazement at a starlit sky; been humbled by the brilliance and precision of the rainbow; or gasped at the glory of a color-streaked sunset? Could not these heart felt feelings be the existence of faith that we have so vehemently denied?

Moment by moment, I will contemplate the idea that faith may also begin in the heart without necessarily a mental acknowledgement.


Monday, March 5, 2007

catching up with moments...

March 2...

It is the journey we should concern ourselves with—not the destination.

Everyone is in a hurry to get to where they are going. There is rush hour traffic, twenty-four hour cleaning, fast food lines, bad nerves and indigestion. God did not mean for us to always be in the fast lane of life having head on collisions and getting speeding tickets. If He had, He would not have made such beautiful things for us to see, taste, smell and feel. Ultimately, where we are going is up to God. The getting there is up to us. We can make it as pleasurable or miserable as we choose.

Moment by moment, I will slow down and enjoy Gods simple gifts along life’s way.

March 3...

There is comfort in the familiar; change is most always met with fear and resistance.

As human beings, we can become very complacent in our living. Even in despairing situations, it may take an act of God or congress to initiate a change, even a change that is clearly for the better. It is an astonishing fact, but nonetheless true that the only way most women who are being abused by their spouse will leave the relationship, is in an ambulance or a coroner’s truck; however, to die a slow death of sheer existence in a way of life that is just not working, can be just as useless and tragic. One day we will wake up and our life will seem to be over, with nothing to show for it except misery and pain.

Moment by moment, I will walk with God, look fear in the eye, and except change where it is needed.

March 4...

Reacting with emotions before thinking is immature. It is also learned behavior.

How many times have we verbally cut those we love to the heart without thinking? Words can never really be taken back once they are spoken, and many times they leave tragic emotional scars. When we call our loved ones names or continually put them down, does that not make us murderers of self-esteem? Are we not killing them with our words? Everyone has the right to exist and be loved as a child of the Almighty God. It is true that eventually it becomes each ones responsibility to take back ones birthright as one of God’s children, but would it not be wonderful to never feel as if you lost it in the first place?

Moment by moment, I will learn to think responsibly before reacting selfishly, controlled by my emotions.

March 5...

When we take something away from ourselves that may or may not be good for us, we must always replace it with something else.

If you have ever went on a diet, tried to quit smoking, or simply tried to improve your vocabulary, then you must know how hard success is unless you consciously supply yourself with other options. Maybe instead of eating that candy bar, you take a walk; instead of a cigarette, you eat the candy bar; and instead of crap, you say crow. However we do it, we must find a satisfactory substitute for whatever we are trying to delete from our lives. OLD HABITS DO DIE HARD!

Moment by moment, I will choose something positive in my life to replace something negative.
