Tuesday, February 27, 2007

catching up with moments...

February 25...

What lies before us is a tapestry of our own creation. What lies behind us is more of the same. Today is a magical miracle in the making.

The concept of “One day at a time” was born out of sheer desperation for a way to deal with life on life’s terms. However, it was originally suggested by the Son of God. In Matthew chapter six and verse thirty-four, Jesus said: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Man brings much heartache and needless anxiety worrying about those things, which are beyond his control. The most heartbreaking reality is that he loses the precious moments that he is in charge of, and thus the chance to make a difference in the now.

Moment by moment, I will focus my attention on the miracle that is happening right now. I will make this moment in time truly count.

February 26...

You lifted my spirit, and gave it wings so it could freely fly.

When we are feeling elated or depressed, we many times mistakenly give credit to things external. The truth of the matter is, it is our inward mechanisms that trigger such negative or positive emotions. We have been conditioned accordingly. And we perceive a thing to be this or that, when in reality it is how we have learned to view it. Every good gift comes from God. God does not make bad days. It is our attitudes and how we have been programmed to react to certain circumstances that are negative or positive.

Moment by moment, I will choose to look at things in a positive way. I will not allow my spirit to be downtrodden when it can fly instead.

February 27...

When we open our hearts and minds to this moment in time, today becomes a strong foundation on which to build our future.

So many wasted memories and missed opportunities to make those memories precious. We close our minds and hearts when we allow selfishness, hate, envy, and strife to chip away at our inner peace. Today’s moments become missed chances for us. To often we fill our days with needless thoughts. We forget what we are here for and we forget to enjoy and be glad in the day that the Lord has made.

Moment by moment, I will acknowledge the sun. I will take time out to feel its warmth. I will listen to the birds and I will speak with my heart to God’s trees and flowers. I will give a smile to someone without one.

February 28...

Relax and let faith guide you through times of angry storm.

When trouble comes we are presented with the opportunity to express our faith in God. Along with conflict, there comes the chance for spiritual growth. During the course of life, many things happen which we must accept. Some can be tragic. Many times, however, for a simple inconvenience such as a flat tire, we wring our hands and exclaim: “Why me, why now?” Instead of being thankful that we at least have a car, we tend to focus on the negative aspect, and in doing so we make the problem bigger in our minds then it really is.

Moment by moment, I will be thankful that I have a spare tire, and if I do not have one then I will make sure to get one!


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