Monday, March 26, 2007
catching up on moments...
March 8...
Spirits divided are never apart.
The Eternal Spirit flows through everything that lives. Therefore, everything that lives is a part of the Eternal All. Life in its many forms necessitates a division of sort. When we become in tune with who we are, we become in tune with God. Whatever, whoever, wherever, or however we understand the spiritual totality, we are all linked to the Eternal Spirit.
Moment by moment, I will accept that the Spirit of God dwells within us all. It is His spirit that connects us to each other.
March 9...
Love is a circle of unity complete; it has no beginning or end with to meet.
It has been said that love comes from within. If we believe that God is love and that His spirit resides within us all, then love is unified through each soul that God created. We all have the power to choose our own path, and to become whatever we desire. Even though we might choose to be in direct conflict with our Higher Power for a time, the circle is not broken. It takes each of us to complete the circle, and in so doing, the unity of love constantly flows where it is needed most, to guide the path of the one who is lost back home.
Moment by moment, I will direct my love where it is needed the most. In doing so, I will strengthen the circle of God’s love.
March 10...
The eternal beam that is balance is real.
For many of us, a healthy balance is sometimes difficult to achieve. Whether it is our spouse, children, families, friends, career responsibilities, or just the requirements of everyday life, everything will not always work out as we plan. If we will remember that doing our best is all that is expected, it will ease the frustration of not always being able to do it all. God has a plan too, and many times, even though we think a thing to be right, it could be that God has something different in mind for us. It might be good for us to take a derailment in our plans as a sign that God needs us to stop and do something else.
Moment by moment, I will achieve balance by tuning in to Gods will, and allowing Him to guide me with His eternal beam.
March 11...
There is a God and I am not He.
The day is almost half way through, and nothing is going the way I want. The kids will not mind, the car has a flat; I am overdrawn at the bank, and late for an appointment. Dinner will not be on time, my appointment will have to wait, and the kids will miss their nap. By now I am crying and remembering that I forgot to pray.
Moment by moment, I will remember that there is a power greater that myself that can keep me sane though life gets crazy. God may not personally fix my tire or my dinner, but He will grant me the serenity and sanity I need to get the job done.
March 12...
We cannot plant another’s garden, nor can we pick their weeds.
Each one of us has our own life to live, mistakes to make, joys to own, and burdens to bear. We can share in another’s experiences, and we can offer our strength, hope and love, but we cannot live the lives of another, nor can we control the results. In this way each one of us is an island.
Moment by moment, I will plant my own garden, and pick my own weeds.
March 13...
One day we will grow beyond all that we think or feel.
The majority of the God abiding citizens believe that there will be life after death. There are many opinions as to what that life will materialize as. There are those that believe their spirit will begin again on earth in another form. Some hold to the belief that their spirit will return to its creator, and still others believe they will be brought back to life in their original bodies. It is really futile to argue such matters. One thing we can agree upon is the knowledge that God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free in the now. Whatever is done with us if and when we pass from this world to the next is in the hands of God.
Moment by moment, I will walk in the Spirit, and not concern myself with the age-old question of eternal time; that will take care of itself.
March 14...
Serenity is not simply peace; it is the inner calm amid the storm.It is not difficult to practice serenity when everything is going your way. The true test of faith comes during times of crisis. It is amidst trying times that I must honestly ask myself, “have I really turned my will and life over to God?
Moment by moment, I will maintain a serene Spirit, and walk on water with God.
March 15...
Personal responsibility is accepting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about myself.
Rigorous honesty is a personal thing; no one can do it for us. We can only fool ourselves for a time before we are forced to see exactly what is seen.
Moment by moment, I will see what God reveals, and own it.
March 16...
God does not create bad days; we create them for ourselves.
Every sunrise is perfect. So is everything else that God created. Whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling, the earth is getting what it needs. Each day presents us with opportunities to do Gods will. It is our choice to perceive it with a negative or positive attitude. When we view things negatively, we bring chaos down around us. When we approach the same situation with positive energy, we recharge our spirits, and create good days for ourself and others.
Moment by moment, I will be thankful for this day. I will appreciate Gods gift of life, and see the good.
March 17...
Spiritual and moral hilltops are reserved for God.
No one knows the mind of God. His wisdom is infinite. We cannot judge what Gods will for others might be. It is divine to give of ourselves to others, but in matters that do not concern us, mind your own business.
Moment by moment, if need be I will share my experience, strength, and hope. I will leave preaching to preachers, doctoring to doctors, counseling to counselors, and judging to God.
March 18...
Tough love without compassion is cruel.
Love without discipline is irresponsible.Just as everything else in this life, love must be balanced. We humans have a tendency to rationalize and justify our every action. We are more concerned with being right than in getting healthy results for others and ourselves.
Moment by moment, I will check my motives, and ask God to guide my decisions with a love that is balanced with genuine concern and divinely disciplined.
March 19...
Pain is ever with us, and our hearts cannot tell time.
Grieving is a part and a process of life. Realistically it takes time for events such as death, broken hearts, financial ruin, or personal traumas to become less painful. There are various stages such as shock, anger and denial that we must experience before we truly accept such as facts of life. In acceptance we always find peace, but it only comes with time.
Moment by moment, I will allow myself to experience whatever it is that I feel. Only then will I be ready for God to heal my heart, in His own time.
March 20...
Rigorous honesty only applies to oneself.
No man can see inside another’s soul.In being honest, we must always check our motives. We must remember that each of us is responsible for the condition of our own hearts, and consequently our behavior. If our honesty will help another, so be it, however, our attitude should be one of humility and genuine concern.
Moment by moment, unless another can be lovingly helped by my gentle honesty, I should keep unnecessary truths to myself.
March 21...
We cannot judge another’s heart. Hearts belong to God.
Each day we have the opportunity to be the best that we can be. No one but God can really know if we have successfully achieved our best. When someone is in that space where they are changing lifetime views and behavior, they can be very sensitive to outside criticism and opinions. This may be due to the fact that they are in transition. We all should be ready to change what needs to be changed about ourselves. Have we completely let go of our old self, or totality put on the new one?
Moment by moment, I will trust God with my heart, and the hearts of others.
March 22...
With forgiveness, comes forgiveness.
It is only when we are able to forgive others that we too are forgiven. The Lord’s Prayer states: “…and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…”. We have to remember that we must include ourselves in the category of those we forgive. If we are still dealing with old garbage, we cannot begin or continue each day anew. Forgiveness of others, including yourself, will guarantee Gods forgiveness.
Moment by moment, I will walk with God, anew every day, erased are all of yesterday’s mistakes.
March 23...
The pleasure we receive at another’s expense, always comes back to haunt us.
Sometimes we say that we have turned all things over to God, when in reality, because we are human, and by nature selfish, we hang on to things which bring us some kind of emotional payoff. We learn to believe and label these emotions as our rights. Even when we feel like we have retaliated with good purpose, have we? We must always check our motives. If our intention is to vindicate ourselves at another’s expense, then our actions are very selfish and harmful. There is never a good or right reason to injure someone else.
Moment by moment, I will remember it is not my place to retaliate...I will most definitely will reap what I have sown.
March 24...
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
If we are to love others we must learn to love ourselves. Before we are able to do this, we must come to know who we are and accept ourselves just as God made us. We must then turn our life over to God, and allow Him to use us for His divine purposes. When we can love self, then we can begin to love others. Loving one’s self, does not mean being selfish. Doing God’s will makes us happy, so in becoming self-less, we actually begin to love ourselves.
Moment by moment, I will love others and myself to the best of my ability, and leave the results to God.
March 25...
Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
Remember when you were a child hunting for Easter eggs? Many were hidden from your sight, but others were in plain view. You hurried to gather the ones you saw, and did not worry about the ones you were yet to find. By the time you got around to finding the hidden ones, your basket was already full. Think if you had waited to gather the ones you immediately saw, and spent time trying to find the ones that were hidden from view, some other child would have already filled their basket with your missed opportunities (or eggs if you please), and you would still be struggling to find the ones that were hidden.
Moment by moment, I will trust God and do what is in front of me to do, and I will not concern myself with things not yet meant for me.
Spirits divided are never apart.
The Eternal Spirit flows through everything that lives. Therefore, everything that lives is a part of the Eternal All. Life in its many forms necessitates a division of sort. When we become in tune with who we are, we become in tune with God. Whatever, whoever, wherever, or however we understand the spiritual totality, we are all linked to the Eternal Spirit.
Moment by moment, I will accept that the Spirit of God dwells within us all. It is His spirit that connects us to each other.
March 9...
Love is a circle of unity complete; it has no beginning or end with to meet.
It has been said that love comes from within. If we believe that God is love and that His spirit resides within us all, then love is unified through each soul that God created. We all have the power to choose our own path, and to become whatever we desire. Even though we might choose to be in direct conflict with our Higher Power for a time, the circle is not broken. It takes each of us to complete the circle, and in so doing, the unity of love constantly flows where it is needed most, to guide the path of the one who is lost back home.
Moment by moment, I will direct my love where it is needed the most. In doing so, I will strengthen the circle of God’s love.
March 10...
The eternal beam that is balance is real.
For many of us, a healthy balance is sometimes difficult to achieve. Whether it is our spouse, children, families, friends, career responsibilities, or just the requirements of everyday life, everything will not always work out as we plan. If we will remember that doing our best is all that is expected, it will ease the frustration of not always being able to do it all. God has a plan too, and many times, even though we think a thing to be right, it could be that God has something different in mind for us. It might be good for us to take a derailment in our plans as a sign that God needs us to stop and do something else.
Moment by moment, I will achieve balance by tuning in to Gods will, and allowing Him to guide me with His eternal beam.
March 11...
There is a God and I am not He.
The day is almost half way through, and nothing is going the way I want. The kids will not mind, the car has a flat; I am overdrawn at the bank, and late for an appointment. Dinner will not be on time, my appointment will have to wait, and the kids will miss their nap. By now I am crying and remembering that I forgot to pray.
Moment by moment, I will remember that there is a power greater that myself that can keep me sane though life gets crazy. God may not personally fix my tire or my dinner, but He will grant me the serenity and sanity I need to get the job done.
March 12...
We cannot plant another’s garden, nor can we pick their weeds.
Each one of us has our own life to live, mistakes to make, joys to own, and burdens to bear. We can share in another’s experiences, and we can offer our strength, hope and love, but we cannot live the lives of another, nor can we control the results. In this way each one of us is an island.
Moment by moment, I will plant my own garden, and pick my own weeds.
March 13...
One day we will grow beyond all that we think or feel.
The majority of the God abiding citizens believe that there will be life after death. There are many opinions as to what that life will materialize as. There are those that believe their spirit will begin again on earth in another form. Some hold to the belief that their spirit will return to its creator, and still others believe they will be brought back to life in their original bodies. It is really futile to argue such matters. One thing we can agree upon is the knowledge that God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free in the now. Whatever is done with us if and when we pass from this world to the next is in the hands of God.
Moment by moment, I will walk in the Spirit, and not concern myself with the age-old question of eternal time; that will take care of itself.
March 14...
Serenity is not simply peace; it is the inner calm amid the storm.It is not difficult to practice serenity when everything is going your way. The true test of faith comes during times of crisis. It is amidst trying times that I must honestly ask myself, “have I really turned my will and life over to God?
Moment by moment, I will maintain a serene Spirit, and walk on water with God.
March 15...
Personal responsibility is accepting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about myself.
Rigorous honesty is a personal thing; no one can do it for us. We can only fool ourselves for a time before we are forced to see exactly what is seen.
Moment by moment, I will see what God reveals, and own it.
March 16...
God does not create bad days; we create them for ourselves.
Every sunrise is perfect. So is everything else that God created. Whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling, the earth is getting what it needs. Each day presents us with opportunities to do Gods will. It is our choice to perceive it with a negative or positive attitude. When we view things negatively, we bring chaos down around us. When we approach the same situation with positive energy, we recharge our spirits, and create good days for ourself and others.
Moment by moment, I will be thankful for this day. I will appreciate Gods gift of life, and see the good.
March 17...
Spiritual and moral hilltops are reserved for God.
No one knows the mind of God. His wisdom is infinite. We cannot judge what Gods will for others might be. It is divine to give of ourselves to others, but in matters that do not concern us, mind your own business.
Moment by moment, if need be I will share my experience, strength, and hope. I will leave preaching to preachers, doctoring to doctors, counseling to counselors, and judging to God.
March 18...
Tough love without compassion is cruel.
Love without discipline is irresponsible.Just as everything else in this life, love must be balanced. We humans have a tendency to rationalize and justify our every action. We are more concerned with being right than in getting healthy results for others and ourselves.
Moment by moment, I will check my motives, and ask God to guide my decisions with a love that is balanced with genuine concern and divinely disciplined.
March 19...
Pain is ever with us, and our hearts cannot tell time.
Grieving is a part and a process of life. Realistically it takes time for events such as death, broken hearts, financial ruin, or personal traumas to become less painful. There are various stages such as shock, anger and denial that we must experience before we truly accept such as facts of life. In acceptance we always find peace, but it only comes with time.
Moment by moment, I will allow myself to experience whatever it is that I feel. Only then will I be ready for God to heal my heart, in His own time.
March 20...
Rigorous honesty only applies to oneself.
No man can see inside another’s soul.In being honest, we must always check our motives. We must remember that each of us is responsible for the condition of our own hearts, and consequently our behavior. If our honesty will help another, so be it, however, our attitude should be one of humility and genuine concern.
Moment by moment, unless another can be lovingly helped by my gentle honesty, I should keep unnecessary truths to myself.
March 21...
We cannot judge another’s heart. Hearts belong to God.
Each day we have the opportunity to be the best that we can be. No one but God can really know if we have successfully achieved our best. When someone is in that space where they are changing lifetime views and behavior, they can be very sensitive to outside criticism and opinions. This may be due to the fact that they are in transition. We all should be ready to change what needs to be changed about ourselves. Have we completely let go of our old self, or totality put on the new one?
Moment by moment, I will trust God with my heart, and the hearts of others.
March 22...
With forgiveness, comes forgiveness.
It is only when we are able to forgive others that we too are forgiven. The Lord’s Prayer states: “…and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…”. We have to remember that we must include ourselves in the category of those we forgive. If we are still dealing with old garbage, we cannot begin or continue each day anew. Forgiveness of others, including yourself, will guarantee Gods forgiveness.
Moment by moment, I will walk with God, anew every day, erased are all of yesterday’s mistakes.
March 23...
The pleasure we receive at another’s expense, always comes back to haunt us.
Sometimes we say that we have turned all things over to God, when in reality, because we are human, and by nature selfish, we hang on to things which bring us some kind of emotional payoff. We learn to believe and label these emotions as our rights. Even when we feel like we have retaliated with good purpose, have we? We must always check our motives. If our intention is to vindicate ourselves at another’s expense, then our actions are very selfish and harmful. There is never a good or right reason to injure someone else.
Moment by moment, I will remember it is not my place to retaliate...I will most definitely will reap what I have sown.
March 24...
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
If we are to love others we must learn to love ourselves. Before we are able to do this, we must come to know who we are and accept ourselves just as God made us. We must then turn our life over to God, and allow Him to use us for His divine purposes. When we can love self, then we can begin to love others. Loving one’s self, does not mean being selfish. Doing God’s will makes us happy, so in becoming self-less, we actually begin to love ourselves.
Moment by moment, I will love others and myself to the best of my ability, and leave the results to God.
March 25...
Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
Remember when you were a child hunting for Easter eggs? Many were hidden from your sight, but others were in plain view. You hurried to gather the ones you saw, and did not worry about the ones you were yet to find. By the time you got around to finding the hidden ones, your basket was already full. Think if you had waited to gather the ones you immediately saw, and spent time trying to find the ones that were hidden from view, some other child would have already filled their basket with your missed opportunities (or eggs if you please), and you would still be struggling to find the ones that were hidden.
Moment by moment, I will trust God and do what is in front of me to do, and I will not concern myself with things not yet meant for me.
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