Thursday, May 3, 2007

today's moment...

May 3...

All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Humpty together again.

When we fall from grace, or become entangled in a life of self, if we are lucky enough to make our way back to God, figuratively speaking, we come back broken in a million pieces. We usually have exhausted every recourse, but we are unable to fix ourselves or our lives without Gods divine intervention. The great advantage we have on this earth against its prince the devil, (whom i am convinced is the ego-self), is with God working in our life in every moment...the devil-of-an-ego is ignorant of God's next move. True: self can and will throw up roadblocks, red lights, and stop signs, but it is God that can operate with total freedom and call checkmate before our ego-self, or satan if you will, even gets his pawns in a row!

Moment by moment, I will remember that all things are possible with God, even fixing a broken Humpty Dumpty!


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