Sunday, May 27, 2007

when the dust settles...

when the dust of the mind settles itself down,
wonders and mysteries are there to be found;
mountains spring forth, where nothing once was,
consciousness is infinite oceans of love.
no more of the old...everything is new,
playing in illusion...playing being you...
what fun it is know what is known...
to really understand...the rollar coaster you're on...
happiness and joy...ALWAYS IS NOW...
no need to explain, the why or the how...
peace knows no holds no love...
all becomes one...below and above...
the one has no form...potential for change?
only your unknowing seems to rearrange...
mystery unraveling before all eyes...
always has been never dies...
no seeking, no searching, not even desire...
something unseen...just propels you higher...
what is it...what was that...what, what can it be...?
the I that I always was...without the me...


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