Sunday, June 17, 2007

just being...

most of us have a problem with just being...

...sought through prayer and meditation...

the problem is we think we have to be doing something all the time or we think we are not being productive...

learning to be still, and just be is new to us...our minds and thoughts still may be jumbled, so we must practice prayer and meditation...we may also find ourselves getting bored...when in active addiction we lived on the edge...but in sobriety we find our lives and minds balancing out somewhat...

we must learn to listen to the stillness of God...the answers will come if we are listening and allowing ourselves to be directed by the cosmic universe, instead of our own insanity!

remember...we must let go of all old ideas...and let go absolutely!

and allow the eternal, conscious flow of God to recreate our lives according to the harmony of the universe...


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