Friday, September 26, 2008

the past two weeks we have been dealing successfully, with understanding the powerlessness that addiction leaves us with, and the unmanageable ways that this very powerlessness manifests itself...

through recovery, i have come to understand that i have an allergy to any mind alternating addictive chemicals in any form...solid or fluid...

this allergy is not only in my mind, but also in my body...when i put alcohol or drugs into my system, my mind and body craves matter how destructive my drinking and drugging becomes to my person...i cannot stop...

the unmanageability is not just with material or financial aspects...i am unable to manage and control my very behavior...even after i stop using...

i had to admit, that drugs and alcohol were my solution...

and my solution was not only killing me, but landing me in hospitals and jails...

the problem was my inability to live life on life's terms...

so the problem then became...what do i do to avoid that first drink since once i start i cannot stop successfully and life as i know it goes to shit?


i had to find a power greater than myself...which i take to mean...greater than my own ego, or self-will run riot...

i had to choose another conception of god, because the god of my religion did not work...all my old ideas...DID NOT WORK...

i had to be willing to let go of all my old ideas concerning a god that is outside of myself...because, when the Big Book speaks of our own concept of is speaking of those first 100 that recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of body and mind...

we will be looking closely at Bill W.'s experience of god consciousness...also, what is referred to as the spirit of the universe...and the great reality within...

if the power that i need to stay sober is within me...within my own awareness...or spirit or soul or whatever...then it is obvious that i was not able to recognize that power or tap into it because ego/self-will kept getting in the way...

we will be looking at all of this...and dive deeper into the truths of our own being...while we investigate how it is that we can come to believe...

i am so very proud of you and the honest inner work that you are doing...

may you be filled with your own inner joy...


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