Monday, December 4, 2006


if you have not seen this movie, please go rent it. don't want to spoil the movie for those that have not seen it, so just for my purposes here i will say that it is about someone that does not like where they are...they want instant gratification, without living through the day to day life STUFF. so, they click their way through life, only to find out that the living is in the day to day STUFF...there is such an underlining message that really touched all aspects of my life. i laughed and cried, and also realized that i do not need alcohol and drugs to click...i have been clicking...all my life; so much so, that i spent most my time on auto pilot. some of those emotions that i ran from are breathing down my neck hot and heavy today. i am just sooooooooooooooooo grateful, that today, i am aware of what it is, and i am not trying to click myself into a better space. gotta walk through it today, and know that i will be ok. the danger is in trying to escape where i am, or getting trapped by it...been there done that, gonna try something different, just for today. many blessings, star.

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