Friday, December 29, 2006

the way of happiness...

i am learning that happiness is not something that happens outside of myself...sure, i have experienced that happiness that comes and goes...depending on what was happening in my life...whether i was getting this or that...but that kind of happiness is temporary, and depends on everything that i have no control over. it is like getting presents on christmas morning, playing with them for a time...then moving on to the next thing i thought could make me happy...all my life, i thought that i would get that happy place...and then everytime i thought i had found it, i was always disappointed...devasted when it did not last. that is not the happiness that i desire anymore. the happiness that i long for still comes and goes...but that is because of me...and where i am on my journey...i still am learning to surrender my will to God's...for that is the true way of happiness...

many blessings, star.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 2007 Valentine Edition
Of The Nashville International
Song And Lyric Competition®.

Grand Prize: $1000 in cash & prizes
Including $511 cash PLUS a full, 7-pc band demo.

First Prize: $500 in cash & prizes
Including $111 cash PLUS a full, 5-pc band demo

Award of Honor: $189 Guitar-Vocal Demo
Or cash value may be applied to a full-band demo

20 Prizes of $20 Rebate Certificates
good on any new demo recording
All the world loves a great love song, and we are looking hard for some great ones right now so we can get as many as possible to major Recording Artists for the big Spring recording season coming up soon! NOW is the time to write YOUR potentially award-winning love songs or lyrics or search for some you've already written and send them to us for the Nashville International Song and Lyric Contest, Valentine Edition! Any writer who has never had a song recorded by a major label may enter up to four songs or lyrics.

For this competition, we have made the entry fee especially low: only US $20 per song or lyric, just enough to cover administrative costs.

All entries will be judged by professionals in the music business. All entries will automatically be heard by people who can get your song to some of the best artists in the business. This is a great chance for you to make it big, with your name on an award-winning song. But you must act right away. This is a very limited-time competition. All entries must be postmarked or uploaded no later than February 28, 2007.

Don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime to get your Award-Winning song recorded and heard by the right people. And perhaps give birth to a wonderful love song that could earn the fame and fortune of all the great songs throughout musical history.

Some rules to go by: All entries must be postmarked or uploaded to us no later than February 28, 2007 and received no later than March 15, 2007. Lyrics and songs of all genres are eligible, we just don’t enter them in separate categories. Good songs are good songs, regardless of genre. Lyrics must be typed or printed on plain, white paper, one lyric per sheet. Songs should be uploaded in MP3, MP4a, or WMA formats, or mailed on cassette or CD. Multiple entries per tape or CD are acceptable as long as they’re not mixed in with songs not being entered. All songs must be accompanied by typed or printed lyrics. No entries or materials can be returned or individually acknowledged. Winners will be notified by April 30, 2007, with the top 3 prize winners posted on our website,

Enter now! Click on the Paramount Website, for upload instructions, or mail your entry using the entry form below.

Valentine Song Competition Mail-in Entry
Mail to Contest, Paramount Group, PO Box 23705, Nashville TN 37202
Please enter me in the Valentine Song and Lyric Contest. I am sending the following __lyrics __song(s)

Title(s): __________________________________________________________


I am sending payment as follows: US$20 for each entry -- Total US$__________
__Check __MO __MCard __Visa __Amex __Dscvr (Make check or MO payable to Paramount Group)

Card#____________________________________________________ Secure Code*____________ Exp___________

Signature______________________________ Print Name_________________________________
*(3-digits on back of MC/Visa; 4-digits on front of Amex)

This message was sent from Paramount Group to It was sent from: Paramount Group, 1505 16th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

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