Thursday, March 1, 2007

today's moment...

March 1...

Today I hope, today I dream dreams.

Sometimes we allow others to discourage us when the goals that we have set for ourselves do not fit into their idea of being realistic. Many times those who love us most will exclaim “grow up and live in the real world!” Our hopes and dreams are the very things that make us who we are, and keep us motivated to become who we are going to become. It is very easy to become discouraged, but history has a long list of those that accomplished amazing feats, only after they had tasted failure through many a trial and error. Why should we allow anyone else but God to decide what we can or cannot do? Without hope, we are hopeless; without dreams, we will die.

Moment by moment, I will use the talents that God gave me to His glory, and I will hope and dream, and work with God to make them a reality.


1 comment:

Agyat said...

Star, you are beautiful and very near to Divinity.... as always!