Friday, December 29, 2006


in sobriety i am learning that my expectations...of everything else, has gotten me into so much trouble...and still does. it brings about disappointment, anger, hurt feelings, etc. that i otherwise would never experience had i not set myself up for it in the first place by having unrealistic expectations. the truth of the matter is, i cannot control others or their actions. i do not have that power. nor can i control circumstances of life. if i choose to be angry or upset by someone or something...then that is my choice. today i am recognizing that trait, and am learning how not to allow myself to get caught in the traps of expectations. this is a process...after all, i have spent a lifetime of expecting things...God is still showing me how very powerless i am. if i am ever going to have any lasting serenity, i must relinquish all my expectations...just for today...

many blessings, star.


Anonymous said...

This was an insightful post star. They all are but this one especialy has so much to do with the kind of pressures we put on ourselves and others, setting us up for disappointment and that non-deserving, hurt attitude, that follows the disappointment.

i think you will experience even more growth in will be a lovely blossoming.

smiles at you,

Anonymous said...

Miss you, love you ... Happy New Year. I will give you a call today, sorry I have been out of touch... I am sober still of course, just wanted to get through the holidays because I thought it would be the same as always, and as usual God showed be that by making assumptions, i missed out on some fun conversations. Anyway Christmas was wonderfull and the new year even better.
Love always Julia