Saturday, April 28, 2007

positive affirmation...

i love life today...

the past few weeks, we have had a lot of rain...barometric pressure and all...have not felt well...back and neck...old injuries...however; i have been practicing some "thought changing" therapy...and it really is working...the more i focus on the problem...there i am...the problem...the more i focus on the solution...there i am...the solution...

deep breathing...stretching...letting it go...i know that i cannot...but ALL is possible with the God of my understanding...let go and let GOD...

keeping it

helping others...

this is a very big part of recovery...however; there is still the tendancy to tell instead of share...also, i must be certain that my side of the street is cleaned up...i cannot give anything away, unless i have past is my greatest asset...if i have truly worked the steps of recovery, then i am in a position to use my past experiences to help others...HELP THEMSELVES...i have to be careful not to enable or try to fix...i must always remember how powerless i really am...taking the first three steps...upon the way i maintain serenity...

i cannot...God can...gonna let God...

April 28...

I will let my light shine, not shine a light on others.

Many times we are very quick to pass judgment on others without fully knowing the circumstances. We are commanded to love and serve one another, not to judge. We are all a work in progress; to be able to assist another with their defects, we should be free of them ourselves.

Moment by moment, i will try to help others, not by "telling" them what to do, but by sharing my experience, strength, and hope...and walking instead of talking...this way of life...


Friday, April 27, 2007

today's moment...

April 27...

Plant the seed, let someone else water it, and watch God make it grow!

Everyone you encounter today can be helped in one way or another. Share your smile, or plant a seed by listening to someone’s trials, in doing so you have also given them water from the well of life, and you have not spoken a word! Living in God is something you do, not words you speak.

Moment by moment, I will take every opportunity God gives me today to be a shining light to follow in a world filled with dark places.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

peace...our true nature...

anytime i am not at peace, it is because self-will has gotten in the way...self-will is ego...ego stands between me and God...pure peace...essence of being...pure being...can be realized by letting go of ego...what is ego really? it is who we think we are...who we have learned to be...ego is a is not real...ego interferes with peace within...we have been taught a life time of lies...what we think can make us happy, may in fact bring momentary happiness, but it is not of the lasting kind...all the cars, loves, houses, add infinity...these things come and is in realizing our true nature...our unity with God...that is the only thing that brings the peace that passes all understanding...



when we come to understand why we do what we do...then we can come to look past the dis-ease in others...and offer them understanding too.

some times it is so difficult to allow others to be just who and what they are...that includes accepting who and what and where we are too...just because i have gotten clean and sober, that does not mean that life is going to be fair, and that others are going to be any different then they were...after all, my sobriety is not about them. it is difficult not to have expectations of myself and others...however; when i turn my life over to the care of God as i understand or don't understand God...i am turning over everything...the so-called good and so-called allow God to do with it what God wills...afterall...i have to remember that i am not doing is Gods grace that is changing me...recreating moment at a time...all it takes is accepting the seemingly unacceptable...and the act of surrender...when i find myself in that between place of discomfort...the only thing left is to pray for the willingness to be willing to do this...


today's moment...

April 26...

No one can force anyone to live in a box.

Even those who are in prison do not have to be incarcerated by their thoughts. Many who are not locked in a 5 by 10 cell are actually worse off in their heads when it comes to their freedom. We can drive ourselves nuts, or we can take the necessary action to get out of our own misery. Minds can be conditioned to accept most anything. The thing for us to know is that freedom, just like anything else, is a choice of willingness.

Moment by moment, I am as free as I allow myself to be.

Monday, April 23, 2007

today's moment...

April 22...

Life is too short not to own a convertible!

This life is full of excitement and adventure. There is nothing wrong with us taking advantage of the material things that bring us temporary pleasure, as long as we do not build our hopes and dreams upon them. So go ahead, let go and have some fun. Let the top down and feel God’s wind blowing through you hair.

Moment by moment, I will put the top down, and journey through life’s adventures, but I will remember what is really important, and keep God in my heart.


today's moment...

April 21...

Happiness is as close as my willingness to discover it.

We are continually fooled in this life by the superficial feelings that come when we obtain material possessions. Many of us truly believe that the new car or house we buy will bring us lasting happiness. There are many things that bring us that false pretense of elation. Gamblers know it all too well—the excitement of winning that one jack pot that will make everything okay. They also know the flip side of that feeling—desperation and despair.

Moment by moment, I will remember that happiness that lasts will never be found in things made by man. It is not the house that brings true happiness; true happiness is found in the home that you create within, that you share with those you love.
