Wednesday, March 7, 2007

wanting what i want...

having a problem today...wanting what i want RIGHT NOW! i want to move into my new apartment. it has been ready for weeks, or so i was told...all of the deposits were paid last week, then i was told that inspection did not pass on the apartment they gave me...soooooooo, they moved me to a downstairs, which i was suppose to have anyways...and now i am waiting for the judge to say it is ok...still have to get a phone...and everything else! trying to stay in God's will instead of my own is still hard sometimes...i mean, it is simple...but hard! i have ten months of continuous clean time today...that is a miracle. i have an apartment of my own...another miracle...i have a job...a big miracle...haha! now if i can just get moved in and settled...i know it is always in God's time not mine...but i still am human...progress not perfection...and sometimes i still want what i want...NOW! just for today i will accept that i am human...and not beat myself up for being self-centered about wanting to move today. everything will work out the way it is suppose to, and i know if i involve my own self-will, i will just mess things will be my lesson today...just for today...i will allow God's will to unfold before me...i will do the next right thing...and right things will follow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reply to:
Date: 2007-03-05, 9:42PM CST

Prefer a male, but possible female Working on an amazing short film in Los Angeles. Totally professional (35MM) dark comedy that has a "sad break-up scene" at a bar. We are using a temporary piece of country music taken from the movie musical "Hair." Please listen at...

This is the style of Country we are looking for...We want a slow, somber twang that has something to do with "losing your lover" and/or "needing love." Of course, we will develop this theme with you if we work together.

This is an independent film with a limited post-production budget, but it is paying. This is more of an opportunity to include your music on a film than to make the "big money." Please reply with a reference to "Country Singer" in the subject line of your Email. And attach any samples that you would like as well.