Saturday, December 2, 2006

only a leaf...

only a leaf on the water;
whispering your journey to here,
were you once on a twig or a tree?
dropped by a bird? did the wind set you free?
how far did you fly on a breeze?
i spy a butterfly that landed on you once;
she left you for her preference of smelling a buttercup.
maybe you once were a four-leaf clover,

ripped from the other three...
maybe what i appear to see in the mirror,

disappeared, and you became me.
only a leaf on the water;
how many colors have you been?
how many falls have you beheld?
only to become again...
countless raindrops you've obsorbed,
many clouds you have become,
remember when as that princess child, together, the fields, we'd run?
how many sunsets have you seen?
thousands of miles traveled on a moonbeam;
cannot escape the reality i am you and you are me.
only a leaf on the water;
only you will never be,
as long as there is God's creation,
you'll be infinity...

thanx to my friend chip for the inspiration...

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