Monday, December 18, 2006


still learning what this is, but i know that no matter how bad i feel one day, if i just walk through it (or stumble through it...haha!), seems as though God clears it all the next...once i hit my knees...i really don't know how to explain it, but one day at a time really is a marvelous tool for an insane person like me...let's face it...the "i" that i have been, was very insane!...i have never wanted to face life...have wanted to reap the good, run away from the bad...always dividing things into highs and lows...there is no division is just life...willingness is the key that opens the door that "i" slam shut everytime "i" try and escape life on life's terms...sometimes, i am fooled by myself into thinking i am being willing, when in reality...i am not...everything has to old ideas, the way i think, and especially my actions...being still is an action, and it is one that i am still practicing...just for today, i can claim progress not perfection! most times, being willing is just being willing to do something different...the wisdom comes from the willingness...once willing, God will show you what you can and cannot change...

and "you will intuitively know how to handle situations that use to baffle you." (from the BB of AA)...many blessings, star.

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