Monday, April 2, 2007


this is very difficult for me. learning how to say no for my own good. still i speak before i think. have decided that i need to pray and meditate more before offering my services up these days...and before opening my mouth to volunteer for things that i am not ready for. am realizing that these behaviors too need changing. i mean always before i would say yes then regret it because it was something i had no business doing for another in the first place...haha...surprise surprise...these things just do not change...i must is all about setting boundaries. i do want to help others, and i am not saying that i do not...however, sometimes our help can be enabling...and this is not good for the enabler or the enabled. am still learning...progress not perfection...still cannot be around negativity...not that i would want to be, but am hoping one day that i will be strong enough to withstand it without it effecting me...i believe this to be something that i can obtain...through God's Grace...and by practicing the spiritual principles of this spiritual program in all of my affairs. detach...detach...detach...more of life's lessons...go figure...i am not a drama queen anymore! thank God for that.

keeping it real...just for today, star.

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