Tuesday, April 3, 2007


been contemplating the idea that putting sobriety first is selfish...in a way it is, but in a bigger way it is not...in sobriety, i am learning how to be responsible...for me...that means that others that had to be responsible for me in the past when i was using chemicals and them, do not have to be responsible for me anymore...and that is not selfishness...that is maturity. my thought processes still try and trick me...they are cunning, baffling and powerful...my higher power is more powerful...am learning that when my thoughts are overpowering...to just do something different...dah! when i set boundaries for myself...i am not being selfish, even though sometimes others may think so...and even i might have an attack of my old way of thinking...however...does not last long these days...if i am really willing, and praying for direction...it will come...sometimes i just have to accept that the storm is gonna be till it isn't...haha...i just don't have to get caught up in it...still do sometimes...progress not perfection...


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