Tuesday, April 3, 2007


scared...to love to much...
scared...of longing for someone's touch;
scared...of losing myself...
if i don't keep loving me, can't love nobody else.

God make me whole...
physician heal thyself...
when i'm filled with thy peace...
then i can love somebody else...

scared...to look into those needy eyes...
have to turn away so a part of me doesn't die...
scared...to trust in me...
but when i finally learn how...
i'll be full of love and free...

God make me whole...
physician heal thyself...
when i'm filled with thy peace...
then i can love somebody else...

scared...of a broken heart...
i can't be one with you,
till i'm whole apart...
even jesus, had to get away...
in the garden of gethsemene
he had to take time to pray...

God kisses me with the sun...
then he kisses me with the rain...
he's given me everything i need...
and he eases my pain...
he's teaching me about love...
the kind that never fails...
he's showing me that i...
create my own heavens and hells...

scared...to fully become...
one with all...and all with one...


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