Tuesday, December 5, 2006

courage to change...

this one is a biggy! everyday i am faced with opportunities to change...now that i have stopped using chemicals to alter my perception of life, i am still left with life. i am still left with me. i use to always think that i could just pray for courage or patience or wisdom, and it would come. then when i did not get what i wanted when i wanted it, i gave up and used, or escaped in some form of addiction. today i know that God will give me what i need, when i need it; let's face it, i do not need everything i might want, and it is not always about me. most of us have more than enough. ever heard the term less is more, well, i understand that today. having courage is making a decision to try things a different way, and then walking through it. it is also stepping out into the unknown with faith. courage is getting out of myself, and becoming willing to face my past, walk through today, and hopefully contribute something besides chaos and insanity to my little corner of the world...just for today...many blessings, star.

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