Sunday, December 3, 2006


feeling anger is ok! let me say that again...FEELING ANGER IS OK!
it is what i do with it, after i acknowledge it, and where i go from is such a relief to just be human...(big sigh!) i never
allowed myself to feel anger...i thought it was a big sin. today,
i know that anger is there for a reason. it tells me something is not
right. i have to look at my part in it...that is the only part i can
do anything about. let's face it folks, sometimes we live in such close
proximity to others, that at some point or another, we are
gonna get pissed off! and today, that is ok. just because i have
human feelings, does not mean i have to allow them to control me and
ruin my life...always before i drank and drug over everything...and
nothing...the sun was shining...the sun wasn't shining...ladadahdadah...
it's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new way...and i'm feeling good...
(thanx nina samone)

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